Your help is needed in effort to stop Jellico Mountain logging project

The News Journal — by Mark White — To the forest service’s credit, after the November 2022 town hall meeting and the more than 300 official comments on the draft proposal, the forest service did scale back its proposed action by 261 acres to 9,798 acres. The forest service also created two alternatives.

Alternative one would involve logging only 2,937 acres over six years with effective clearcutting of 1,124 acres.

Alternative two would involve no logging at all for the area.

Can this project be stopped or at least limited to alternative one, which isn’t great but is at least better than the original plan?

Maybe, but it is up to you, in part, and you are going to need to act quickly.

The United States Forestry Service now has a new comment period for its new proposed action, which ends May 24.

If the public doesn’t speak out and speak out loudly enough, we are looking at nearly 10,000 acres of Whitley and McCreary counties being logged with roughly half of that being some form of clearcutting.

Read the Editorial by Mark White at The News Journal