The official comment period ended on Friday, May 24, and over 600 people responded!
The USFS values public participation and encourages comments on this project to “help us make the right decisions for the good of the land and the public we serve.”
All communication from the public regarding the Jellico Mountain Project, including commenters’ names and contact information, will become part of the public record. Providing your contact information is optional; however, anonymous comments will not provide standing to object.
Comments, including anonymous comments, will be accepted by the USFS at any time. However, comments posted after the May 24, 2024 deadline will likely not be considered in the final project planning. View submitted comments
Tips on Commenting
Useful comments should provide relevant and new information with sufficient detail, be within the scope of the proposed project plan, have a direct relationship to the plan, and include supporting reasons for the USFS to consider. These are referred to as “specific comments.” For example:
“Overall, the Proposed Action is no better and is basically the same as your November 2022 original proposal. For the same reasons I already submitted, I do not support the Proposed Action. I would like to see Alternative 1 with improvements. Do not double the rate of logging per year as you have proposed. Keep it the same rate of logging as in the Proposed Action. Instead of logging 490 acres per year for 4-6 years, log 240 acres per year for 4 to 6 years.“
Then, explain in your own words—as specifically as you can—why you think this. Say where you live, how your family will be affected and your community. If there is a specific tract of land planned to be logged and you know it’s steep, say that. All feedback is helpful.
Non-specific comments become part of the public record, but the USFS will not consider them in its project planning. These include comments outside the scope of the project, comments that lack sufficient specificity or supporting rationale, or comments that appear as a “vote” (the USFS comment process is not about voting). For example, the USFS will not consider this comment:
I do not support this project at all. It is not in the best interest of the community. I vote no.”
Comment Now to Object Later
IMPORTANT! To have standing in the final objection process later, you must submit specific comments that include your name and address to the USFS by May 24, 2022.
The pre-decisional objection process allows the Reviewing Officer, the Responsible Official, Objectors, and Interested Persons to have open communication, to understand issues, and to consider resolution, which aligns with the Forest Service’s collaborative approach to forest management. Considering public concerns before a final decision is made increases the likelihood of resolving those concerns, resulting in better, more informed decisions.
In order to object later, individuals and entities must submit specific comments to the USFS during this commenting period. Also note your objections later must be based on issues raised in your comments now, so be sure to include all your concerns in your specific comment.