Daniel Boone Forest deserves better treatment than proposed logging project

“Our shared public lands provide the best, and perhaps only opportunity for the restoration and recovery of the great forests that once dominated eastern Kentucky. These lands need stewardship and care. But the agricultural underpinnings of traditional forestry too easily sideline other values and risk degrading and diminishing our public forests.” READ THE ARTICLE AT… Continue reading Daniel Boone Forest deserves better treatment than proposed logging project

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Deschutes National Forest to log old-growth trees in popular trail area

Don’t cut down the last old-growth we have left. It’s as simple as that and has been for Oregon Wild’s mission for nearly 50 years. We just learned that the U.S. Forest Service plans to log old-growth trees along the Pine Drops trail, one of the most popular mountain biking trail networks in Oregon. Trees over 100… Continue reading Deschutes National Forest to log old-growth trees in popular trail area

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Kentucky Heartwood files lawsuit challenging nearly 3,800 acres of logging in Daniel Boone National Forest

Kentucky Heartwood has filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Forest Service’s South Red Bird Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Project on the Daniel Boone National Forest in Leslie and Clay counties. The largest timber project on the Daniel Boone in nearly 20 years would allow commercial logging on over 3,800 acres of public lands, along with the construction of… Continue reading Kentucky Heartwood files lawsuit challenging nearly 3,800 acres of logging in Daniel Boone National Forest

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Proposal calls for cutting trees in Whitley and McCreary counties

The Kentucky Daily – Several have shared their concerns on Facebook regarding a United States Forest Service proposal that could potentially clear out wooded areas in their backyards. “No deforestation or conversion of land use is proposed,” confirmed Timothy Eling, Public Affairs of the Daniel Boone National Forest. READ THE STORY ON THE KENTUCKY DAILY

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