USFS Project Documentation

Be sure to visit the U.S. Forest Service website for official documents on the Jellico Vegetation Management project.

Categorized as USFS

USFS Intermediate Vegetation Treatments

From the U.S. Forest Service Jellico Vegetation Management project documentation: CROP TREE RELEASEThis treatment releases desired trees in the dominant and co-dominant crown classes that are vigorous, exhibit healthy crowns, and have good form. The number of crop trees is determined on a stand-by-stand basis, as older stands generally have a lower number of crop… Continue reading USFS Intermediate Vegetation Treatments

USFS Harvest Methods

From the U.S. Forest Service Jellico Vegetation Management project documentation: CLEARCUTThis harvest method consists of cutting essentially all trees and regenerating the stand. Only immediate roost trees (IRTs), as defined in the Forest Plan (page A-16), and snags (dead trees) are retained. At least 15 basal area per acre (BA) is retained in any scoured… Continue reading USFS Harvest Methods